Council Meeting Minutes August 15, 2023


 Present: Mike Isenberg, Nate Boucher, Patti VanLiew, Rachel Henderson, Pastor Chad Brekke, Ann Maczuga 

Absent: Pastor Natalia Terfa, Kirk Sidlo, Frank Clinton, 

Call to Order: Mike called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm 

Opening Devotion: Patti led us in opening prayer. 

Adoption of the Agenda: Rachel made a motion to adopt the agenda. Ann seconded the motion. Motion carries. 

Approval of Previous Minutes: Ann made a motion to approve minutes from the June 19, 2023 council meeting. Patti seconded the motion. Motion carries. 


President and Vice President’s Report – none 

Treasurer’s Report 

JUNE Budget Prior Year 
MONTH Actual Budget Favorable/ Actual Favorable/ 
General/Building Fund: Jun-23 Jun-23 (Unfavorable) Jun-22 (Unfavorable) 
Offerings/Receipts 236,339 68,371 167,968 78,969 157,369 
Expenses (67,678) (60,920) (6,758) (92,239) 24,561 
Net Gain/(Loss) $168,661 $7,451 $161,210 ($13,270) $181,930 
Budget Prior Year 
YEAR TO DATE Actual Budget Favorable/ Actual Favorable/ 
General/Building Fund: Jun-23 Jun-23 (Unfavorable) Jun-22 (Unfavorable) 
Offerings/Receipts 499,197 339,290 159,907 344,661 154,536 
Expenses (402,472) (365,520) (36,952) (507,535) 105,063 
Net Gain/(Loss) $96,725 ($26,230) $122,955 ($162,874) $259,599 

Notable May Activity: 

  • For the month of June, receipts were more than expenses. We received most of the Employee Retention Credit that we have applied for. The total we have received so far is $166,000. Without the ERC funds, receipts were more than expenses by approx. $2000. 
  • The money drawn on the Line of Credit at Premier bank in May has been repaid, thus eliminating that financial liability. 

Submitted by Rachel Henderson 

Treasurer Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 


Budget Prior Year 
MONTH Actual Budget Favorable/ Actual Favorable/ 
General/Building Fund: Jul-23 Jul-23 (Unfavorable) Jul-22 (Unfavorable) 
Offerings/Receipts 60,693 59,745 948 60,379 314 
Expenses (56,417) (60,920) 4,503 (92,239) 35,823 
Net Gain/(Loss) 4,276 ($1,175) $5,451 (31,860) $36,136 
Budget Prior Year 
YEAR TO DATE Actual Budget Favorable/ Actual Favorable/ 
General/Building Fund: Jul-23 Jul-23 (Unfavorable) Jul-22 (Unfavorable) 
Offerings/Receipts 569,478 399,035 170,442 405,040 164,438 
Expenses (459,484) (487,360) 27,876 (578,035) 118,551 
Net Gain/(Loss) $109,994 ($88,325) $198,318 ($172,995) $282,989 

Notable July Activity: 

  • For the month of July, receipts were greater than expenses. Offering is down slightly, but numbers are mostly steady considering summer months are generally lower. 
  • Year to date, we are significantly ahead of where we were in 2022, showing positive balances for the year. 
  • We received the payment for the final quarter of ERC funds applied for, no more additional funds are expected. The majority of these funds have been invested through Thrivent in higher interest accounts. 

Submitted by Rachel Henderson, Treasurer Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 

Pastoral Report: 

The summer has been filled with vibrant and meaningful worship, outreach, and active children’s and youth activities. Pastor Angela Denker was a blessing as she stepped in to preach on several summer Sundays. Add in weddings, funerals, camp Wapo, day camp, volunteering, and baptisms and as usual, the mission and ministry of Prince of Peace does not go on holiday for the summer! We look forward to Pr Natalia’s return from sabbatical in just a couple weeks. 

We were pleased to receive all of the anticipated ERC (employee retention credit) funds which included an additional $9k of interest income due to the delay in processing our application. Because of the skills of our Business Admin Paul, we saved tens of thousands of dollars by being able to submit our ERC application materials without the help of a third-party firm. 

We are looking forward to and planning for the fall season of ministry! 

~Pastor Chad 

Ministry Team Reports: 

Community Life – none 

Outreach- none 

Care Team Report 

Mental Health Connect- 

Our team has been attending monthly ambassador meetings and recently attended the ambassador orientation. We feel like we have a good grasp of what we need to do to get the info out to the congregation. We will start with a table at Rally Day with ambassadors present to explain our partnership with Mental Health Connect. Ambassadors represent the work that MHC is doing and provide information to congregation and community about resources for their own mental health struggles and how to get connected themselves or provide information to friends and family. Mental health diagnoses are not embarrassing or something to hide, it is important to find care that fits, just in the same way you would seek care for sore muscles, body aches or physical ailments. PoP teaming with MHC is working to be a positive presence, decreasing the stigma and increasing access to appropriate care. 

Property Team – 

There are several trees that need to be taken care of on the property. Some dead trees that are creating potential hazards and other areas where the trees simply need to be trimmed. Paul has gotten a quote and will likely get another competing bid shortly, but these need to be taken care of, likely this fall. 

Sunday Morning Experience – none 

Staff Reports: 

Youth and Childrens Ministry – 

Children, Youth and Family Ministry has had a busy Summer and we are looking ahead to Fall. 

~ Katie 

Media & Tech – none 

Music- none 

Unfinished Business: none 

New Business: 

The council discussed our upcoming Rally Day. Katie is planning a wonderful outdoor event to celebrate for the upcoming youth ministry year. There will also be teams who will have displays at the Ministry fair. We talked about sharing ways with members, how they can share their Time-Talent-and Treasure. All liked Pastor Chad’s idea of “It just takes 3”. Knowing a commitment of only 3 meetings, 3 times serving coffee, 3 times ushering, 3 times helping our garden team, short term opportunities members can sign up to help PoP. 

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 19, at 7:30 pm via Zoom 

Adjournment: Rachel made a motion to adjourn. Patti seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm