News From Nate
Summer is approaching quickly. And that means schedules are shifting, various outdoor actives are ramping up, and maybe you’re wondering if it’s safe to break out those flip flops you got at the end of…
Theology on Tap
Theology on Tap is another way we build community at Prince of Peace. Life is hectic, and we don’t always feel we have time to relax and recharge. So we get together once a month…
Summer Worship Schedule
Stay connected to your community during, even when you’re gone for the weekend. During the summer months, we worship on Sunday at 9:30am in the Worship Center AND 6:30pm on Wednesday evening in the CLC (starting June 12).
Jeans & Junk Hwy Clean Up
Let’s do our part to keep things looking good. If any group of people can make cleaning FUN, we can… Join us as we clean up our stretch of Highway 81 on April 28 (after each worship…
Holy Week Services
Join us for our Holy Week celebrations!
Caritas Benefit Concert
Join Caritas Vocal Ensemble for a beautiful concert of delightful a cappella choral music performed by a mixed group of experienced singers. Sacred and secular, traditional, contemporary and culturally diverse, we have something for everyone!…
Bible Trivia Night
Kind of, well maybe… remember some bible stories from your childhood? Feel like you’re a Bible Scholar? Whether you know a lot or just get by, sign up for Bible Trivia and you will be placed…