News From Nate

Summer is approaching quickly. And that means schedules are shifting, various outdoor actives are ramping up, and maybe you’re wondering if it’s safe to break out those flip flops you got at the end of last season. Things are a-changing. And as the winds of change blow, so does the Spirit move…

I have an announcement: I have accepted an offer to join the good work God is doing at Faith Lutheran in Forest Lake, MN. My last Sunday will be July 7. This new position, which includes a modern worship and band component, will also allow me to explore and employ other gifts through developing and implementing a small group ministry. 

As I open this new chapter of my life, I am filled with gratitude for our formative time together. I owe so much to God’s work through you, for I would not be who I am today without you. You are a large part of why I feel so called and equipped to lean into this new, unknown and exciting role. For this, I am grateful beyond words.

I have been blessed these past 7 years to work with such an awesome crew of musicians and other volunteers to plan and participate in some of the most moving worship services I could imagine. While serving with this community, I have stood alongside a passionate, talented and caring staff and membership. I have been mentored and led by a fabulous and dedicated pastoral team. I have been with you at weddings and funerals, baptisms and confirmation services, graduation parties and cancer remembrance Sundays. More than that, Prince of Peace has been a spiritual home for me and my family. I have made lasting relationships with many of you and I cannot forget all that God has done among us. Thank you for all the ways you have lived into God’s kingdom on our journey together.

These types of changes bring with it a mixed bag excitement, sadness and a bit of anxiety. If you feel it, that’s OK. I am feeling all the feels right now because it’s difficult to leave such a familiar and positive place. One of the songs we’ve sung together a hundred times speaks of God’s love as “constant through the trial and the change”. I take comfort in this thought and share it in the hope it might do the same for you. We still have some time together, so let’s spend it singing and serving and celebrating how God is carrying us into a future full of hope, even as things change in and around us.

What will not change, what remains Prince of Peace, is our deep connection, my gratitude for your kindness and support over the years and my enthusiastic embrace and encouragement of who God is calling you to be as you continue to grow deep and reach out

To the extent I can ever be helpful in that regard, my availability remains constant.

I love you, church. See you later!
