Music Ministry

Music is a key expression of worship for Christians throughout the world!
Whether the expression is traditional, contemporary, or something in between,
our hymns, anthems, and praise music are lifted to God as part of our worship. If you have an interest in music,
there are opportunities to join in and be part of the melodious expressions of our faith.
Choir – sings at our 9:30 am blended service and rehearses Sunday Mornings from September through May. Choir members may be part of the cantor team as well. Contact the director John Myszkowski if you are interested in joining.
Bell Choir – rings as an accompaniment to some choir anthems and rings anthems on its own! They practice Wednesday evenings at 6 pm from September through May. The director is John Myszkowski.
Band – leads worship with various music at our 9:30 am blended service. The band ranges from a singer with an acoustic guitar to a full band. Our Modern Worship Leader, Paul Koopman, can’t wait to talk to you about joining!
“I truly desire that all Christians would love and regard as worthy the lovely gift of music, which is a precious, worthy, and costly treasure given to mankind by God.”
Martin Luther in a Foreword to Georg Rhau’s Collection, “Symphoniae iucundae”