Dear Prince of Peace,
I love this community deeply. Ever since I walked in the doors as a college intern, I’ve felt at home here. That is because of who you all are. You are God’s faithful people gathered together to be a community that embodies the Good News and the love of Jesus Christ. I will be forever grateful that Prince of Peace was not only my internship site but then to be able to come on as a staff member. There are no words to describe everything that Prince of Peace has done for me and continues to mean to me. The Spirit will simply have to intercede.
I am delaying what I have to say because it truly is hard to fathom. I am writing to let you know that I will be moving on from Prince of Peace. These are difficult words to say and will be profoundly challenging steps to take to part ways. I was recommended for a position and have accepted the offer to take that opportunity as it will be one that not only leads me in a direction of ministry I’ve always hoped for but will have a positive impact on being able to support my family.
With over ten years of ministry together, two as an intern and currently in my eleventh year as staff, we have shared so many meaningful experiences together. Sharing life and faith through almost every aspect of life, the joyful and sorrowful, with so many of you has been a tremendous blessing. You all have shared in my life as well as our family has grown.
Thank you for the trust and investment you have shown me and the ministry I have been called to lead. Thank you for your grace and understanding for all of the times I have fallen short of your hopes and needs. Thank you for welcoming me into your lives, I am certain that I have learned more from you all than I could have ever taught.
To our young people (many of you now are not so young anymore!) I just smile and laugh at all of the joy we experienced together and I continue to feel deeply for the hurts you’ve opened up to me about. We truly have had mountain top highs and valley lows. For all of you that joined me in ministry with and for our young people, Axis guides, mentors, Revolution leaders; you are the best! And for everyone who invested and supported in every way shape and form in opportunities and experiences for our youth to grow in faith and discover their identity in Christ, thank you so much.
I look forward to celebrating Christmas with you one more time and then blessing yet another group of young people as they affirm their baptismal promises on Sunday January 8th and this will be my last day with Prince of Peace.
I remember seeing Pr. Natalia use this verse when I was the intern and now I can say I have fully experienced this as well… From 1 Thessalonians 2:8, “So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us.”
Grace and peace in Christ to you Prince of Peace,
– Brent