Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Congregational Meeting

May 3, 2015

Welcome:  President Sue LaGue welcomed the congregation and called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  A quorum was noted.

Approval of agenda:  A motion was made by Ken Zeiszler and seconded by Wendy St. Peter to approve the agenda.  Motion passed.

Opening prayer:  Pastor Chad Brekke led the congregation in prayer.

Overview of the Associate Pastor process:  Sue LaGue gave an overview of the process to call and vote on an Associate Pastor.

Presentation of the candidate:  Pastor Chad said a few words about the recent history of turnaround in pastoral staff at Prince of Peace, the re-organization of church staff, his decision to discuss the position of Associate Pastor with Natalia Terfa, and Natalia’s personal discernment in accepting a call to ordained pastoral ministry.

The Associate Pastor is an associate to the Senior Pastor.  The Senior Pastor recommends the candidate.  Natalia has served in the role of Chad’s associate while completing her seminary education.

Pastor Chad asked if there were any questions; there were none.  Tom Heinrich spoke up to give his recommendation of Natalia.

Motion to call Associate Pastor:  A motion was made by Tom Heinrich and seconded by Ron Welde to call Natalia Terfa for the position of Associate Pastor at Prince of Peace.  There was no discussion.

Vote:  Paper ballots were used for voting.  Members of the Executive Committee counted the ballots in the church office.

Announcement of congregational vote:  Sue LaGue announced the voting results as 199 yes votes and 4 no votes.  Natalia Terfa was announced as the new Associate Pastor.  Natalia thanked the congregation for their support.

Motion to adjourn:  A motion was made by Vicky Wavinack and seconded by Tom Heinrich to adjourn the meeting.  Motion approved.