During our process of selecting a Senior Pastor, we need to continue our strong ministry programs. We must ensure that the members are receiving the spiritual guidance and blessing of a stable church and a strong mission program. To that end, we are pleased to announce the congregational council has selected an interim pastor who will begin March 22, 2011. Below is a short informational piece on our interim pastor Rev. Dr. Mark Bents.
Rev. Dr. Mark F. Bents is a pastor of the ELCA. Ordained in 1976, he has served congregations in Minnesota, Iowa, California and Pennsylvania. For the past 19 years he has served as an intentional interim pastor in congregations worshipping 350 – 1500 members weekly.
Pastor Mark is an experienced consultant working with leadership teams in the mission/visioning process, staff development, and organizational structure of congregations. His service in the church is for the purpose of sustaining and growing congregations toward revitalized health and strength. He is in the process of authoring a book describing the spiritual journey that congregations make during pastoral transitions.
Mark resides with his wife, Lori, in Apple Valley. They have six grown children who live in or near the Twin City metro area, and in Denver, Colorado. They also enjoy their 3 grandchildren. Other activities and hobbies are reading, writing, remodeling at home, boating and spending time with the children.
This is exciting news for Prince of Peace. Keep Pastor Bents in your prayers and as we move forward in the Senior Pastor Call process, please pray for our church and pray that we will be a church that lives our mission statement “To go and make all people followers of Jesus Christ”.
If you have questions, stop by the welcome center and talk to the council member at the council table.
Bill Fredrick
Council Vice President