Local Outreach

Local opportunities to Reach Out are planned, organized and executed by the POP outreach team. If you have an hour, there’s an outreach opportunity in our community that will welcome you.
Who Are We? A group of POP members who enjoy planning and participating in community outreach and POP volunteer events. Some of the key organizations we work with include Adopt a Highway, Avenues for Youth, CEAP, Lutheran Social Services, Park Brook Elementary, and Second Harvest Heartland.
When Do We Meet? Once a month after church on the 4th Sunday of the month.
Where Do We Meet? In person at Prince of Peace or on ZOOM.
What Do We Need? We are in need of people who would like to join our team or be added to a list of potential volunteers we can contact to help at events. Also, much of our funding for Outreach projects comes from Thrivent Grants. If you are a Thrivent member, you are eligible to apply for two $250 grants a year to be used for community service projects. Requests are simple to make and we can assist if you would like to help fund projects that serve our neighbors in need.
How do I Volunteer? Please contact the church office or Jodi Spoden (612-597-3054) to learn more.
The Local Ministries We Support…
Jeans And Junk, Adopt-A-Highway (cleaning our stretch of Hwy 81)
Email us if you are interested in learning more about our partnerships with these organizations.