Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
October 18, 2016
Present: Pastor Chad Brekke, Sue LaGue, Julia Sevald, Kathy Arveson, and Christina Jobe
Guest: Allan Grant
Call to Order: President Sue LaGue called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm.
Devotions: Sue led us in prayer.
Adoption of the Agenda: A motion was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Christina Jobe to approve the agenda. Motion approved.
Approval of Previous Minutes: A motion was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Christina Jobe to approve the minutes from the September 20, 2016 Executive Committee meeting. Motion approved.
Reports of Officers:
President’s Report:
December 4, 2016 = Annual Congregational Budget Meeting
January 22, 2017 = Annual Congregational Meeting
Treasurer’s Report:
- For the month of September, receipts were lower than expenses.
- The general/building fund activity for the month was a loss of $17,167. This is unfavorable to both budget and prior year by $12,364 and $4,306, respectively.
- Total September offerings were lower than budget by $8,648 but fairly flat to prior year. Other receipts for September were lower than budget but higher than prior year, mainly related to timing of building use income.
- Overall, expenses are higher than both budget and prior year by $2,609 and $4,289, respectively. The unfavorability to budget and prior year is related to repairs expense. In September we had to repair both the garage roof and the flat roof for leaks. This is partially offset when comparing to prior year as current year benevolence payments are lower due to timing of the payments.
- For September year to date, receipts are lower than expenses. Offerings year to date are lower than budget and prior year. Expenses are slightly higher than budget but significantly higher than prior year. The increase over prior year is due to increased personnel expense as well as creating a building reserve fund to use for larger building repairs as they come up in addition to additional repairs expense in 2016.
- The general fund cash balance available for use is $23,481 at the end of September.
- The designated fund with significant activity in September was the adult mission trips fund.
Leave a Legacy (Kathy)
The Leave a Legacy disbursements for 2017 will be $8550, which is 5% of the fund balance as of 9/30/2016. There is $500 still available for 2016 disbursements.
Secretary’s Report: None
Senior Pastor’s Report:
Our fall ministries are in full swing along with several special events and services. We have had an unusually large number of funerals in the past couple months. I am always grateful for the way our staff, volunteers and congregation all pitch in to surround grieving families with compassion, good food and the gospel. Here are a few items to highlight as we move through this busy season.
The joint worship with HOPE Liberian church on October 9 was a moving experience. Many people from both communities have shared how much they enjoyed the experience.
- The benefit concert for Phebe Hospital that same evening was well organized and executed by the organizing team comprised of members of HOPE and Prince of Peace. Total commitments of about $10,000 were made toward the goal of providing solar power for this hospital established by the ELCA and other supporters.
- Plans are in place to host Bishop Frederick Shoo on October 23. Bishop Shoo serves as the leader of the 6.5 million member Lutheran church in Tanzania. There will be one 9:30am service that day followed by a reception.
- Plans are in place for our Celebration Sunday stewardship program on November 13. There will be some engaging “faith conversations” with POP members that will take place during worship in the few weeks leading up to that day. Pastor Jeff Sackett will be our guest preacher on Nov. 13. Unfortunately, the IMUKA singers from Bukoba Tanzania will not be performing as planned on that Sunday, as they have been denied travel visas into the country.
- Another group of 16 people have been welcomed as members at Prince of Peace after attending the new member orientation on October 2nd. We heard several stories of how these folks visited many churches during their search and knew they were “home” the first time they worshiped with us at POP.
- The new session of GroupLife is underway with many people gathering throughout the week in small groups.
Unfinished Business:
- None
New Business:
- On November 15th the Executive Committee will meet from 6:00 – 7:00 to go over the proposed budget. The Council will meet at 7:30 that same night.
Action Items:
- None
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Christina Jobe. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Christina Jobe
Council Secretary