Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2012 (Approved)
Present: Tom Heinrich, Julia Sevald, Bill Fredrick, Pastor Chad Brekke, Allan Grant and Kathy Arveson
Absent: None
Call to Order: President Tom Heinrich called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
Devotions: Pastor Chad Brekke led us in devotions.
Adoption of the Agenda: A motion was made by Allan Grant and seconded by Bill Fredrick to approve the agenda. Motion Approved.
Approval of Previous Minutes: A motion was made by Allan Grant and seconded by Bill Fredrick to approve the minutes from the September 11, 2012 Executive Committee meeting as written. Motion approved.
Reports of Officers:
Treasurer’s/Business Administrator’s Report: Notable September activity:
- · September envelope offerings were higher than budgeted. Total September receipts are favorable to budget by $9,067. Additionally, disbursements are favorable to budget by $8,264. The general fund activity for the month was a gain of $10,576. This is favorable to budget for the month and unfavorable to prior year (gain of 32,109 in September 2011). The September 2011 actuals included I’M IN receipts of $35,269.
- · Year to date receipts are still unfavorable to budget by $5,718, however this is an improvement over August. Additionally, disbursements are favorable to budget by $40,884 resulting in an overall positive variance to budget YTD of $35,166.
- · There were no designated funds with significant activity in September.
- · The entire amount of the mortgage reserve balance was transferred to the general fund in August to cover the building fund shortfall year to date. This account will need to be replenished to its full amount of $30,000 at the end of the year.
- · The Jumpstart campaign is off to a good start and has been positively received by the congregation.
The third quarter financial update will occur on October 21st between the services.
The Special Congregational Meeting to review and approve the 2013 Budget will occur on December 16th at 11:30. This meeting will also review three constitutional amendments the Congregational Council is forwarding to the congregation for their approval.
A motion was made to accept the Treasures Report by Bill Fredrick and seconded by Allan Grant. Motion approved.
President’s Report:
- · Ministry Updates: Tom and Bill will continue meetings with each of the committee to discuss their vision and direction for 2013.
- · Stewardship and related committee updates: The Stewardship Committee is ready to go; they are well prepared and have a good handle on where we are going as a congregation.
- · Endowment Fund: The Executive Committee is recommending to the fill Council that Estate and other large gifts will be encouraged to designate the Ministry they wish their gift to go. If no designation is given the Congregation Council will distribute the gift at their discretion.
Vice President’s Report:
Endowment Fund Update: The total reported balance of funds in the Lutheran Community Foundation account is approximately $158,899. The total reported balance of funds in the Premier Bank Money Market account is approximately $12,275.
The Endowment Fund will provide flowers, donuts, coffee and a temple talk on November 4th. A distribution of $1,000 was made to GroupLife to help cover costs for 2012.
Property Committee Report: The committee has been busy with several projects around the Church. They are reviewing the electrical plan requirements for a possible new outside sign; they have worked to install a railing near the sound system for safety. They have also determined a location for a fire pit for youth and others to use outside the CLC. The carpeting is beginning to show its wear and constantly needs attention. The Council will monitor this in the future.
Secretary’s Report: No Report
Pastoral Reports:
Pastor Chad’s Report:
The fall ministry season is off to a great start. Our GroupLife ministry is gathering people to build relationships and faith. We are seeing a strong response to our Jumpstart campaign. The CLC was packed with parents and students for the beginning of Axis and the new season of our confirmation ministry. Pastor Chad was there both as the pastor and as a parent of one of the confirmands.
As the pastor, he was proud to see our ministry staff all working together to help get the new year of confirmation off to a great start. Brent, Katie, Jackie, Natalia and Nate were all there and all had a role in providing leadership and positive energy. As the parent of a confirmand, he was excited and blessed that their daughter Lydia will be part of such a great program.
In addition to our vibrant Sunday worship services, we have moved through a busy season of weddings and funerals. Much of this ministry is invisible to the larger congregation but it is obviously profoundly important to everyone involved and impacts thousands of people as they attend these services. From our church office, to the ministry staff, to the sound techs and musicians, to all of the volunteers who serve to make these services meaningful, POP is surrounding people during times of joy and sorrow with competence and compassion.
Another group of folks are preparing to be welcomed into our community of faith. Several of them have stories to tell of their search for a church home and how they “just knew” they had found it when they first visited POP. Pastor Chad often asks himself whether or not he would join this congregation if he did not happen to serve here as a pastor. He can honestly say that his family would be drawn to this place where the gospel is preached and there is an atmosphere of welcome and hospitality.
AIM Natalia’s Report:
- 1. GroupLife launched September 23rd, to an overwhelming response. We had just over 100 people sign up for groups, which filled our pre-existing groups to capacity (and above in some cases). What a great start to this ministry! Groups are up and running (either started the week of the 23rd or the week of the 30th) and are working through the curriculum with a lot of positive feedback so far. Once groups get going and have a level of comfort figured out, Pastor Chad and Natalia will make their way through the groups to join in discussions and connect with the groups. Natalia reported that she is starting to look at curriculum ideas for the winter, and current group leaders are looking within for potential future leaders. We’ll have our first ever GroupLife celebration on November 25th, after the 10:30 service, so stop by, have some lunch, and hear all about GroupLife! God is good!
- 2. Other than GroupLife, Natalia continues taking classes (M all day, W mornings) at the seminary and is working on a few other things:
- a. The visitation team will have it’s first unofficial meeting Oct 8th, and then we’ll be able to move forward in a more official capacity.
- b. There will be a reader/lector training October 28, 11:30am
Unfinished Business: None.
New Business: Constitutional Amendments:
Allan presented the Executive Committee with three constitutional amendments and the rationale for each he also provided the process for amending the Prince of Peace constitution.
Process Constitutional Amendments
Chapter 17 Amendments
C17.01.Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by at least 10 voting members or by the Congregational Council. Proposals must be filed with the Congregational Council 60 days before formal consideration by this congregation at its regular or special meeting called for that purpose. The Congregational Council shall notify the members of the proposal with their recommendations at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.
C17.02.A proposed amendment to this constitution shall:
- a. Be approved at a properly called congregational meeting according to this constitution by a majority vote of those present and voting.
- b. By ratified without change at the next annual meeting by a two-thirds majority vote of those present and voting; and
- c. Have the effective date included in the resolution and noted in the constitution.
Proposed Constitutional Amendments
Bold and underlined words are additions, bold and strike through words are removed.
Chapter 11 Officers
C11.03. No officer shall hold more than one office at a time. No elected office, other than the treasurer, shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Rationale: The position of treasurer of this congregation requires much skill and knowledge. The limit of two one year terms does not allow for individuals to fully grasp the full extent of the position or provide consistency in book keeping and reporting to the congregation. . This amendment does not require an individual to serve additional terms but does allow the Nominating Committee the ability to nominate a willing individual for more than two one year terms.
Chapter 12 Congregational Council
C12.02. The members of the Congregational Council shall be elected by written ballot to serve for 2 years or until their successors are elected. Their terms shall begin at the close of the annual meeting at which they are elected. No elected congregational council member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Rationale: Presently the constitution is silent to if a congregational council member may serve more than one term of office in each council office. This amendment clears up any confusion and clearly states that council members are eligible to serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office. This allows the Nominating Committee the ability to nominate a willing individual for more than one two year term.
Chapter 12 Congregational Committees
C13.02. A Nominating Committee of six voting members of this congregation, two of whom shall be outgoing members of the Congregational Council, shall be elected at the annual meeting for a term of one year. Members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible to serve no more than three for consecutive terms reelection.
Rationale: Presently the constitution requires all members of the Nominating Committee serve one year terms. This does not allow for continuity from year to year. This amendment does not change to make-up of the Nominating Committee but does allow members to serve no more than three consecutive years on the committee.
The Executive Committee recommends to the Prince of Peace Council that they approve and forward these amendments to the Special Congregational Meeting on December 16, 2012 at 11:30 AM. The church office will follow the procedures outlined in the constitution to inform all members of these proposed amendments.
Smoke Free Premises: There was discussion of establishing a complete Smoke Free property for Prince of Peace. This would include the building as well as parking lots and sidewalks. This will be brought to the October Council for consideration.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bill Fredrick and seconded by Julia Sevald. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Allan Grant