‘Morning Move’ at Park Brook


We just got this from Scott Taylor, the principal at Park Brook Elementary school, and wanted to pass it on to you…

Morning Move.
Morning Move is a before school ‘exercise’ program for students. The program serves several purposes: engaging students in school, physical fitness, and preparing students for the instructional day.  Morning Move meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00-8:40 am.

The activities will be planned by school staff, although we welcome suggestions.  Volunteers will be used to help motivate students to participate and run fitness stations.  The first day for this offering will be October 15.  Volunteers can volunteer one, two or three days per week.  Another option would be to volunteer the first, second, third or fourth week of each month.

If you would like more information, please call the office at 763.560.8958 or e-mail the office.

Park Brook Elementary School