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  • A New Chapter in Faith: Pastor Natalia’s Transition

    I am creating something new.There it is! Do you see it?Isaiah 43:19 Beloved Prince of Peace Community, With deep gratitude… I write to inform you that I have accepted a call to serve as Interim…

  • A Heart Full of Thanks: Pastor Chad’s Retirement Announcement

    Pastor Chad Brekke: There is a time for everything,and a season for every activityunder the heavens.Ecclesiastes 3:1 November 3rd, 2024 marks 4,789 days, or 683 weeks, or 13 years, 1 month, and 10 days, that…

  • $18,494 for Loaves & Fishes Kitchen! To GOD be the glory!

    Who knew? An appeal for $7000 turned into $18,494 and helped us reach the $75,000 matching fund level from the Otto Bremer Foundation! Thank you, Prince of Peace members, for your generous response to this…

  • Loaves and Fishes, River of Life, and the Kitchen

    These three things have a lot in common. Loaves and Fishes prepares and serves evening meals to the hungry five nights a week. River of Life Lutheran Church provides the kitchen and dining area for…

  • Will you Sing? Will you Ring?

    No, it’s not a new Dr. Seuss book, but we are looking for soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices to be part of our Senior Choir. We sing Sundays during the 9 am service and…

  • Shine His Light

    Psalm 27:1—”The Lord is my light and my salvation.” It’s a  powerful and truthful statement that is personal to each of us. “MY” light and “MY” salvation. No one knows that better than Jesus himself,…