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A New Chapter in Faith: Pastor Natalia’s Transition
I am creating something new.There it is! Do you see it?Isaiah 43:19 Beloved Prince of Peace Community, With deep gratitude… I write to inform you that I have accepted a call to serve as Interim…
A Heart Full of Thanks: Pastor Chad’s Retirement Announcement
Pastor Chad Brekke: There is a time for everything,and a season for every activityunder the heavens.Ecclesiastes 3:1 November 3rd, 2024 marks 4,789 days, or 683 weeks, or 13 years, 1 month, and 10 days, that…
$18,494 for Loaves & Fishes Kitchen! To GOD be the glory!
Who knew? An appeal for $7000 turned into $18,494 and helped us reach the $75,000 matching fund level from the Otto Bremer Foundation! Thank you, Prince of Peace members, for your generous response to this…
Loaves and Fishes, River of Life, and the Kitchen
These three things have a lot in common. Loaves and Fishes prepares and serves evening meals to the hungry five nights a week. River of Life Lutheran Church provides the kitchen and dining area for…
Will you Sing? Will you Ring?
No, it’s not a new Dr. Seuss book, but we are looking for soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices to be part of our Senior Choir. We sing Sundays during the 9 am service and…
Shine His Light
Psalm 27:1—”The Lord is my light and my salvation.” It’s a powerful and truthful statement that is personal to each of us. “MY” light and “MY” salvation. No one knows that better than Jesus himself,…