Middle School Ministry

Our Middle School faith formation ministry meets Wednesday nights from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm, October through April.
Middle School Ministry exists to support kids and their families in their relationship with Jesus, walk alongside them as they find the presence of God in their own lives, and affirm the baptismal promises.
What We Do
We spend our time together exploring and practicing the basics of what it means to be God’s faithful people. We look at the stories of God’s relationship with people in the Bible to find ourselves in them and discover our identity in Christ as children of God. We go deeper into our Lutheran faith tradition and seek to find out what being “saved by grace through faith” means in our lives. We put our faith into action by serving throughout our community and within our congregation. A key element of this faith formation ministry is equipping families with ideas and practices to connect faith to everyday life. All of this takes place in both large-group and small-group settings, family nights, and one-on-one mentoring.
Various events & retreats throughout the year plus Camp Wapo/Wilderness Canoe Base in the summer.
Parents are welcome to interact on Facebook
To learn more, email Katie, or call her at 763-560-8958 (office).