Children’s Ministry

Children and Family Ministry at Prince of Peace
We love kids! We are determined to keep our children’s ministry program a vibrant, energetic, and loving atmosphere. Our Sunday School ministry meets during the school year and is focused on teaching the faith and Christian truths that help our young people develop a foundation for living. Children’s ministry events include Sunday afternoon activities, Summer camps, and other scheduled events. Our hope is that the kids and families at Prince of Peace might be built up and strengthened in faith and love.
SUNDAY SCHOOL – Sunday School meets during MOST Worship services from September to May. We leave after Kids Time and return after the sermon is done. During our time in Sunday School, we work through the scripture of the day in a way that applies to us as young people.
PHOTOS – Here at Prince of Peace, we love to take pictures of our young people in action – whether it’s at a Halloween Party, Christmas Program, Choir musical, or just plain hanging out. Follow us on our social media to keep up with what we’re doing! There are many ways to get involved with Children & Family Ministry! Contact Katie to be part of her email notes and to get more information about program registration.
SPORTS, CONCERTS, ETC – One of the components of our Kids’s Ministry program is relational ministry; the best way to do that is to show our young people that we care for them outside of the Church building too. Therefore, if you have a child who is active in sports, music, or school plays – whatever it may be, please let us know and we will try our best to be there. The earlier you get us the schedule – the easier it is to plan around.