Adult Ministry

Friendship. Trust. Involvement.
That’s what we find in adult ministry at Prince of Peace.
Sunday worship is at the hub of our weekly gatherings. We move forth during the week with an emphasis on growing more deeply in our faith and reaching out in Christian love to others. Our adult opportunities to grow spiritually are grounded in GroupLife gatherings that include bible study, service opportunities, meetings to breathe new life into the Sunday morning experience, and the many ministries that surround Outreach in the broader community and the world.
This is a big community, and connecting with others in meaningful ways can be difficult on a Sunday morning. GroupLife is one of the key ways in which we grow deep and reach out. Groups at Prince of Peace do life together, providing opportunities to grow deep in faith and build significant, sustaining relationships.
All are encouraged to participate in one of our Sunday Morning Experience (SME) Teams. These teams provide worship support and assistance on Sunday mornings, from greeting worshipers at the door to ushering, serving communion, reading Scripture, and serving coffee and cookies. Presently we have nearly 200 people who serve on one of four teams. Being part of these teams helps foster community, builds friendships, and helps make worship even more impactful.
Contact one of our team leaders to get involved!
OR, Send us a general-inquiry email
We know God is calling on us to build friendships, establish trust, and embrace opportunities to get involved in ministry.
Come find where you belong!