Grow Deep

Grow Deep is at the heart of our ministry throughout all stages of life.
We want to see people transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ. This begins upon entering the family of God in baptism and continues as God calls us home. We help people discover Jesus in Scripture, and challenge and support them in a life of faith. Grow Deep!
“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.”
– 1 Peter 1:13
We spend time together in this community of faith! There are a host of exciting ways to serve, learn, engage, meet people and experience grace! Children & Family has all we offer in ministry to children aged 3 through 6th Grade and their families. The Youth community has information on Axis (Confirmation), Revolution (High School Youth Group), and iRev (High School Small Group). Young Adults will connect you to serving opportunities in the congregation as well as Theology on Tap gatherings.
There are many ways to get and stay connected! Watch for our CALENDAR, E-NEWS, and social media updates (Facebook and Instagram) for more info.