Leave a Legacy

Leave A Legacy enhances how we’re able to REACH OUT.
How does the fund work?
Leave a Legacy gifts and bequests are invested in low-risk investments. Each year the Trustees of the fund can distribute up to 5% of the fund balance. (including earnings) evenly between benevolent outreach and capital improvement projects at the church.
How is the fund managed?
The Prince of Peace fund is overseen by the Endowment Committee (Trustees) and its advisory members. The funds are managed and invested by the Lutheran Community Foundation. A copy of the Endowment Fund Plan of Operations is available in the church office upon request.
How can I give to the fund?
Endowment gifts may be given in any amount through cash donations, securities, real estate, life insurance, remainder interests, or bequests from wills. Donations may be made anytime, and are often in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special day.
What is Planned Giving?
Planned giving is a map or plan for future gifts. It can be as simple as naming Prince of Peace as a beneficiary of your IRA, insurance policy, or trust. Gifts may be made during your lifetime or upon your death. Many people first start thinking about planned giving when preparing their will or developing their estate plan, but planned giving can be a part of your financial plan at any stage in life.
Donors who make planned giving arrangements are often motivated by a strong commitment to an organization and its mission. Planned gifts allow them to acknowledge their gratefulness to God and fulfill their goal of supporting charitable work that reflects their values and commitments even after their death.
How do I name Prince of Peace as a beneficiary?
Planned gifts should specify “Prince of Peace – Endowment Fund of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church of Brooklyn Park, MN” as a beneficiary of the will, trust, contract annuity, or insurance policy.