Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2014
Present: Pastor Chad Brekke, Bill Fredrick,Sue Johnson, Julia Sevald, Kathy Arveson and Melissa Johnson
Call to Order: President Bill Fredrick called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Devotions: Julia Sevald led us in devotions.
Adoption of the Agenda.Rally Day will be added to unfinished business, and signing the loan documents for the lighting project will be added to new business. A motion was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Sue Johnson to approve the amended agenda. Motion approved.
Approval of Previous Minutes: A motion was made by Sue Johnson and seconded by Julia Sevald to approve the previous minutes. Motion approved.
Reports of Officers:
Treasurer’s Report:
Notable August activity:
- August receipts were less than expenses. The general/building fund activity for the month was a loss of $1,611. This is favorable, however, to budget for the month by $11,914 and to prior year by $10,943.
- Total August offerings were above budget $3,331 and other receipts were favorable to budget $5,117 mainly due to building use income. August offerings were favorable to prior year offerings. Expenses for the month are favorable to budget mainly due to timing of utilities and benevolence team disbursements. Expenses are unfavorable to prior year.
- Year to date we are still sitting in a positive position overall vs. the budget and prior year. We are $44,611 favorable to budget and $77,621 favorable to prior year. This is partially due to a change in the way we are accounting for our mortgage payment in order to more closely align with the Thrivent statement ($14,724) as well as increased giving and building use income. This favorability should continue throughout the year. Additionally, other expenses are favorable to budget through August mainly related to timing of benefit expenses and benevolence disbursements, reduced IT support expense, postage, and supplies. These favorable expenses are partially offset by higher utilities and large equipment expenses.
- The general fund cash balance available for use remains healthy at $29,815 for the year.
- The only designated fund with significant activity in August was the Adult Mission Trips.
- Simply Giving continues to be a great option for members to ensure their contributions continue even when they are not here, especially in the summer. On average, 43% of our monthly income comes through electronic giving.
President’s Report:
- No Report
Vice President’s Report:
Endowment/Leave A Legacy Update:
The Outreach Committee has presented a disbursement request of $320 for the Parenting with Purpose Annual Fundraising Banquet. They are asking Prince of Peace to sponsor a table at the banquet, which would seat 8 adults from our congregation.
A motion was made by Melissa Johnson and seconded by Sue Johnson to approve this request. Motion approved.
Secretary’s Report:
- No Report
Pastor’s Report:
- Written report submitted.
Unfinished Business:
- Budget discussion – Money will need to be added to the 2015 budget for areas that have been supported by designated funds for the past two years as those funds have now been depleted. Right now, there are no plans for any major changes in the way we go about doing the budget. The Annual Budget meeting will probably be held December 7th. Our November Executive Meeting will need to be held the second Tuesday of November to allow more time to discuss the budget.
- Rally Day budget and activities were discussed.
New Business:
- A motion was made be Sue Johnson and seconded by Melissa Johnson to allow Kathy Arveson and Julia Sevald to sign the loan documents for the LED lighting upgrades to the CLC and Worship Center. Motion approved.
Action Items:
- None
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Sue Johnson. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Johnson