Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
May 19, 2015
Present: Pastor Chad Brekke, Sue LaGue, Julia Sevald, Kathy Arveson and Christina Jobe
Absent: Tim Marker
Call to Order: President Sue LaGue called the meeting to order at 6:20 pm.
Devotions: Sue led us in prayer.
Adoption of the Agenda: A motion was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Christina Jobe to approve the agenda. Motion approved.
Approval of Previous Minutes: A motion was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Christina Jobe to approve the minutes from the April 21, 2015 Executive Committee meeting. Motion approved.
Reports of Officers:
President’s Report:
A Leave a Legacy request has been made for $500 from the benevolence fund for preparations for Natalia’s ordination reception. This will be brought to the full Council for vote.
The Committee discussed the reasons behind having separate categories for Leave a Legacy funding requests. Pastor Chad contends that any giving to the mission of the church, which includes funding internal activities, should be considered benevolent giving. Pastor Chad intends to persuade the Endowment Committee at a future meeting to discontinue the separate funding categories.
Treasurer’s Report:
Notable April activity:
- For the month of April, receipts were greater than expenses. The general/building fund activity for the month was a gain of $25,136. This is favorable to budget and prior year by $19,500 and $19,240, respectively.
- Total April offerings were favorable to budget by $14,717 and to prior year by $17,779. Thrivent Choice dollars were also favorable to both budget and 2014 in the month of April.
- Overall, expenses are favorable to budget and prior year. The favorability to budget is mainly related to timing of some benefit expenses in the month.
- April YTD, receipts are greater than expenses by $23,848. This net gain is $28,439 better than budget and $2,692 greater than last year through April.
- The general fund cash balance available for use is $69,804 at the end of April.
- The only designated fund with significant activity in April was the WAPO fund.
Vice President’s Report: None
Secretary’s Report: None
Senior Pastor’s Report: None
Unfinished Business:
Kathy reported on the status of the water pressure problem. It was suggested that we replace the water meter for $300 (+ free labor). Currently, we have two water softeners. Given the location of the water softeners, water throughout the church (cold and hot) is being softened (including toilet water). It was suggested that we return one of the water softeners (for which we would receive a credit) and move the other water softener to the boiler room, which would then only soften the hot water in the kitchen. The cost of this would be $895. Moving the water softener to the boiler room should solve the water pressure problem. Chad recalled the reason for having the two water softeners where they’re currently located was to solve the problem of pin-hole pipe leaks due to extremely hard Brooklyn Park water. The committee decided to go ahead with the plan to only have one water softener and move it to the boiler room.
New Business:
Kathy reported on negotiations with a new daycare utilizing our building. Angel’s Learning Center is currently located at Northern Light Church of Christ, but a new charter school is taking over their space. The new daycare offers care for infants through school-age (after school) until 10:30 pm. They plan to begin using our building on June 15.
Action Items:
- None
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Christina Jobe. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Christina Jobe
Council Secretary