Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2016
Present: Sue LaGue, Kathy Arveson, and Christina Jobe
Absent: Pastor Chad Brekke, Tim Marker, and Julia Sevald
A quorum was not established for this meeting. Therefore, no motions were made or approved.
Reports of Officers:
President’s Report: None
In Julia Sevald’s absence, Kathy Arveson discussed the Treasurer’s report.
Treasurer’s Report:
- For the month of January, receipts were higher than expenses.
- The general/building fund activity for the month was a gain of $3,955. This is favorable to budget by $8,146, but unfavorable to prior year by $7,941.
- Total January offerings were higher than budget by $2,102 but lower than prior year by $9,767. Other receipts for January were also higher than both budget and prior year, mainly related to building use income.
- Overall, expenses are lower than budget and higher than prior year. The favorability to budget is mainly related to reduced gas & electricity costs as well as timing of benevolence payments.
- The general fund cash balance available for use is $75,510 at the end of January.
- There were no designated funds with significant activity in January.
Secretary’s Report: None
Unfinished Business:
- None
New Business:
- None
Action Items:
- None
Respectfully submitted,
Christina Jobe
Council Secretary