Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
March 20, 2018
Present: Pastor Chad Brekke, Allan Grant, Julia Sevald (via phone), Melissa Johnson
Guest: Wayne Boike
Absent: Lynn Anderson
Call to Order: President Allan Grant called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
Adoption of the Agenda: A motion was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Melissa Johnson to approve the agenda. Motion approved.
Approval of Previous Minutes: A motion was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Melissa Johnson to approve the minutes from the November 2017 Executive Committee meeting. Motion approved.
Reports of Officers:
President’s Report: None
Treasurer’s Report:
Notable February activity:
- For the month of February, receipts were significantly lower than expenses.
- The general/building fund activity for the month was a loss of $26,828. This is unfavorable to prior year by $12,227.
- Total February offerings were lower than last year by $9,453.
- Overall, expenses are on track, but slightly higher than last year by $969. The unfavorability to prior year is mainly related to the purchase of a new AED machine and the timing of the annual fire inspection, as well as timing of Sunday morning coffee/cookies expense as well as Sunday School expense.
- For February year to date, receipts are lower than expenses, resulting in a YTD loss of $14,099. This is unfavorable to prior year by $11,957.
- The general fund cash balance available for use is $9,988 at the end of February.
- The only designated fund with significant activity in February was the Adult Mission Trips fund.
The executive team is reviewing and discussing options to help support and strengthen the financial position of the church.
- Wayne mentioned that one thing that has impacted the budget is the loss of the daycare. This accounts for about $6,500. There is good news that the daycare that is looking to start using this space is moving forward with everything they need and their goal is that
Vice President’s Report:
Secretary’s Report: None
Senior Pastor’s Report:
The 2018 Lenten season is winding down with our final Wednesday evening service on March 21st. Our midweek theme of Faith Vessels has been well received with messages delivered by a different staff member each week. We kicked off the season with a very creative service on Ash Wednesday that incorporated guest artist Peter Potter. As the service progressed laying out the theme for the season, Peter created five unique vessels on his pottery wheel. A different vessel has been the focus each week during the Lenten services.
Upcoming items of note:
- We have had several funeral services in recent months. We are always appreciative of the competence and compassion offered by staff and volunteers, which provide meaningful support throughout the process.
- We had an engaging first communion class with another group of students and parents this past Sunday. Most of the kids will receive first communion on Maundy Thursday next week.
- Holy week worship schedule includes Maundy Thursday service at 7pm, Good Friday services at 11am and 7pm and Easter Sunday at 9:00am and 10:30am.
- We are asking all council, choir, staff and other leaders to park in the overflow lot near the garage on Easter Sunday.
- Planning has already begun on the summer season of worship, which will again include one service on Sunday mornings with the addition of a Wednesday evening service each week.
- The council and leadership retreat will meet at the Synod Offices on April 7th from 8:30am – 12pm. The book “Lasting Impact” by pastor Carey Nieuwhof will help guide the discussion and be the focus of upcoming council meetings.
- Pastor Chad will attend the annual ELCA senior pastor conference in NC May 7-10.
- There are nine people confirmed for this year’s Tanzania Vision Trip June 14-27.
Chad shared that he is going to need a new computer for his office. He has had his current refurbished computer for the 6 years that he has been here, and it has reached the end of it’s useful life. He is looking to get a comparable refurbished Apple model.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
- A motion was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Allan Grant to purchase a computer for Pastor Chad.
- Chad will take care of this (he already has researched a refurbished model) and the expense will come from the contingency fund.
- We are going to utilize the Synod Office conference room for our upcoming council retreat. This will be from 9:00am-12:00pm on Saturday, April 7th. Our focus will be on the book, Lasting Impact. We will go through the first chapter (books will be there) as well as watch and discuss a video that goes along with the theme of the book.
- The question came up: Do we do funerals on Saturday? Chad responded that we do not, mainly because it requires so many staff and volunteers and it is difficult to get that contingent of people in on the weekend. We feel blessed to have such a fabulous volunteer team that comes together to support families during funerals.
Action Items:
- The Council Retreat will be on Saturday, April 7th from 9:00-12:00 at the Minneapolis Synod Office (122 W Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, MN)
- Allan will bring bagels and cream cheese, Melissa will bring paper products and fruit, and Chad will bring whatever Lori bakes. J
- Our next Executive Team meeting will be Tuesday, April 17th at 6:15pm
Prayer: Allan Grant led us in the Lord’s Prayer.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Melissa Johnson. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Melisa Johnson
Council Secretary