Executive Team January Minutes


Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2013 (Approved)


Present:  Bill Fredrick, Sue Johnson, Pastor Chad Brekke, Kathy Arveson and Melissa Johnson

Absent:  Julia Sevald


Call to Order:  President Bill Fredrick called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.


Devotions: President Bill Fredrick led us in devotions.


Addition to the Agenda: President Bill Fredrick would like to discuss the possibility of the Twin Cities Youth Choral parking their trailer in the Prince of Peace parking lot.


Adoption of the Agenda:  A motion was made by Bill Fredrick and seconded by Sue Johnson to approve the agenda.  Motion Approved.


Approval of Previous Minutes:  A motion was made by Bill Fredrick to approve the minutes from the January 8, 2013 Executive Committee meeting as written.  Sue Johnson and Melissa Johnson were not in attendance at this meeting.  Bill Fredrick confirmed that the Executive Council Members approved these minutes via e-mail. Motion approved.


Reports of Officers:


Treasurer/Director of Operations:  Notable January activity:

  • ·        January offerings were significantly lower than budgeted.  Total January receipts are unfavorable to budget by $16,195 and prior year.  Disbursements are slightly favorable to budget by $275.  The general fund activity for the month was a loss of $16,195.  This is unfavorable to budget for the month and to prior year.
  • ·        There was a significant reduction in the cash balance or the month, partially due to the monthly deficit and partially due to some large disbursements from the designated funds.  There was $19,417 distributed from the designated funds during January.  A large portion of this was money that had been designated as CEAP funds which was sent over to CEAP.
  • ·        The CEAP and Youth Ministry Registration & Fees were the only designated funds with significant activity in January.


We will review and approve the Treasurer’s Report at the Council meeting on February 19, 2013, after Julia Sevald makes a few changes to the report.


The quarterly budget review is currently scheduled for February 24th. This will be moved to sometime in April. Bill Fredrick will inform Julia Sevald of this change.


President’s Report:

  • ·        When people leave designated memorial gifts, they will be able to designate their money to any of the five ministry teams or the new Prince of Peace sign. This change will give us a bit more flexibility with the use of the designated memorial gifts.
  • ·        CEAP Lenten Offering – This year there will be a change in that Prince of Peace will no longer announce where the Lenten offering will go, but instead will be able to decide, as a Council, how much money we would like to give to the organizations that Prince of Peace support.
  • ·        Jane Ruohoniemi approached Bill Fredrick to see if it would be possible to rent a parking space to park the trailer for the Twin Cities Youth Choral. There was discussion about whether or not they are a non-profit organization, if we would have any liability if they were to be parked in our parking lot and how they are different then the boy scouts trailer being parked in the lot, as the boy scouts are sponsored by and housed at Prince of Peace.


Sue Johnson made a motion that Prince of Peace will not rent a parking space to any organization that is not a part of our church. Melissa Johnson seconded the motion. Motion approved.


Vice President’s Report: 

Endowment/Leave A Legacy Update:  No Report. There is a Leave a Legacy meeting scheduled for March 18, 2013.


Secretary’s Report:  No Report.


Pastor Report:


Pastor Chad: 

  • ·        Pastor Chad shared that he is looking forward to kicking off the season of Lent with the Ash Wednesday services tomorrow. It is a busy season with different themes on Wednesdays and Sundays.
  • ·        It has been another successful GroupLife session with about 130 people involved in small groups. That is more people than the first session. The groups will be breaking for Lent.
  • ·        As Pastor Chad is looking at a stewardship focus for GroupLife next year, which would include offering a course called Financial Peace University. It is a nine-week course that focuses on faithful financial planning and budgeting. This would be launched in the fall and sponsored by the Stewardship team. GroupLife would focus on topics from this nine-week course.
  • ·        Pastor Chad will be leaving for Africa in ten days. He will be traveling to Tanzania to dedicate the facilities that he has overseen and will be in Africa February 21- March 6, 2013.  He will also be making final arrangements for the Tanzania Vision trip that will be taking place June 12-26, 2013.     
  • ·        The sign is almost finished. The software still needs to be loaded, which is scheduled to happen on Wednesday morning, so it should be up and running for the Ash Wednesday services.


Unfinished Business:  None


New Business:  None


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Sue Johnson and seconded by Melissa Johnson.  Motion approved.


Respectfully submitted,


Melissa Johnson
