Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Council Meeting
December 9, 2014
Present: Pastor Chad Brekke, Intern Pastor Natalia Terfa, Bill Fredrick, Sue LaGue, Melissa Johnson, Julia Sevald, Richard Habstritt, Morgan Holle, Tim Marker, Rachel Henderson
Absent: Erik Hasse, Georgia Larson
Call to Order: President Bill Fredrick called the meeting to order.
Devotions: Bill Fredrick led us in devotions.
Adoption of Agenda: A motion was made by Sue LaGue and seconded by Rachel Henderson to adopt the Council agenda. Motion approved.
Approval of Previous Minutes: A motion was made by Sue LaGue and seconded by Rachel Henderson to approve the minutes from the October 21, 2014 Council meeting as written. Motion approved.
Reports of Officers:
Treasurer’s Report:
Notable November activity:
- For the month of November, receipts were more than expenses. The general/building fund activity for the month was a gain of $4,221. This is unfavorable to budget and prior year by $2,469 and $14,715, respectively. The main reason we were so unfavorable to prior year is two-fold. First, Thrivent Choice dollars received in November were approximately $2,600 less than last year. Second, property expenses were almost $8,000 higher than last year mainly related to security, repairs & equipment expenses.
- Total November offerings were favorable to budget by $3,282 but unfavorable to prior year offerings by $1,652. Other receipts were on budget.
- Year to date we are still sitting in a positive position overall vs. the budget and prior year, however we are in a net loss position for the year at $5,762. That being said, we are $26,634 favorable to budget and $53,575 favorable to prior year. This is partially due to a change in the way we are accounting for our mortgage payment in order to more closely align with the Thrivent statement ($14,724) as well as increased giving and building use income. This favorability should continue throughout the end of the year as long as giving remains at or near budgeted levels. Overall, other expenses are favorable to budget through November mainly related to timing of benefit expenses, reduced IT support expense, postage, and supplies. These favorable expenses are partially offset by higher copying charges, security, insurance and large equipment expenses.
- The general fund cash balance available for use is $17,044 for the year.
- Adult Mission Trips was the only designated fund with significant activity in November.
- Give to the Max was a success in November and we rely on those donations to help fund this year’s programming and rebuild the cash balance. Final balances are still being calculated as amounts are still being received.
President’s Report: None
Vice-President’s Report: None
Secretary’s Report: None
Pastoral Reports:
Pastor Chad’s Report: None
Intern Pastor Natalia’s Report: None
Council Reports
Each ministry team is to submit a written report each month. These will be attached to the official minutes. Highlights will be included in these minutes.
Executive Team: None
Spiritual Growth: None
Sunday Morning Experience: None
Congregational Care: None
Outreach: None
Community Life: None
Modern Worship Arts: None
Children and Family Ministry: None
Youth and Family Ministry: None
Unfinished Business:
- Natalia reported that Christina Jobe has agreed to fill in the open secretary position.
New Business: None
Action Items: None
A motion was made by Julia Sevald and seconded by Sue La Gue to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Johnson