Council Meeting Minutes May 2022


 Present: Pastor Chad Brekke, Pastor Natalia Terfa, Melissa Johnson, Mike Isenberg, Richard Habstritt, Rachel Henderson, Lori Clausen, Frank Clinton, Sarah Hetz 

GUESTS: Pastor Jenny Sung, Mike Kust (LAL representative) 

Absent: Jim Fodstad, Kirk Sidlo 

Call to Order: Melissa called the meeting to order at 7:04PM 

Opening Devotion: Melissa led us in devotions 

Adoption of the Agenda: Mike made a motion to adopt the agenda. Lori seconded the motion. Motion carries. 

Approval of Previous Minutes: Mike made a motion to approve minutes from the April 19, 2022 council meeting. Lori seconded the motion. Motion carries. 

Intro of Pastor Jenny Sung Care team a group of people to create a team who are passionate about caring for one another. June: recruitment, July: training (database), August: care team running the show with Jenny support 


President’s Report 


VP Report 


Treasurer’s Report 

As of April 30, 2022 


2022 2021 

FEBRUARY $46,855.26 $48,963.77 

MARCH $55,357.41 $70,465.44 

APRIL $57,656.80 $54,417.59 

TOTAL $210,623.24 $225,330.95 


2022 2021 

FEBRUARY $72,658.64 $69,248.17 

MARCH $72,147.03 $75,948.44 

APRIL $76,346.93 $67,653.65 

TOTAL $290,863.80 $280,673.51 


2022 2021 

FEBRUARY ($25,803.38) ($20,284.40) 

MARCH ($16,789.62) ($5,483.00) 

APRIL ($18,690.13) ($13,236.06) 

TOTAL ($80,240.56) ($55,342.56) 

Offering/Receipts decreased in 2022 by 14,707.71 

Expenses increased in 2022 by $10,190.29. 

Our Losses for the year 2022 increased by $24,898.00. 

Cash Balances as of 03/31/2022 $ 3,288.51 

Request of $32,000 to replenish cash balance was made on March 28, 2022. This was part of the 2022 budget. These funds will deposit in May 2022. 

Designated Funds as of 4/30/2022 $112,453.71. 

Secretary’s Report 



Pastor Chad’s Report 

A stewardship letter will be going out. This has very specific details about the current financial situation we are in at POP, outlines building needs and staffing reductions in order to lessen the ongoing financial burden-the majority of which is our large mortgage payments. 

The immediate plan is to authorize use of LAL funds to cover any necessary expenditures. As we recover to a solid financial footing-we would replace funds to LAL account as we are able. 

There has not been an overwhelming significant change, just gradual reduction of offerings. The reason this is showing right now is that there is one account that builds up and teams all deposit and draw from that. We have two significant missions that are drawing on the balance to use their funds at similar times-both mission trips to Jamaica and Tanzania are happening within a few weeks of each other, so that made a significant impact on the revolving balance. 

Pastor Natalia’s Report 

What a gift it’s been to be in person and feel the energy of a room filling up with people again. Easter was lovely, with such an energy in the air and so many people returning that we had not seen in a while. I want to send a particularly big thank you to the choir and musicians who did both services with us, something we haven’t done at Easter before, but it made such a big difference to the day and created such meaningful spaces for people to connect with the resurrection story. Spring GroupLife is up and running! Some groups are taking a break this spring, and others are meeting in person for the first time in a while, but all groups are working through a curriculum written and designed by the incomparable Kate Bowler. If you are not in a group but want to see the curriculum, let me know and I’ll send you a copy. 

It’s been a bit since we did a POP Summer OneRead, but I think we’ll start one again this summer. My plan is to announce the book at the end of May or early June and then we’ll have some discussion times throughout the summer. These discussions will be outside unless otherwise announced. 

My call at POP also includes a call to the “big C Church.” Pr Chad and I brought three delegates along with us to the Minneapolis Synod Assembly at the end of April and heard many talks around the theme of living life together in changing times. Dr Eric Barreto was the keynote and particularly great, as expected. I was also honored to speak to a group of middle schoolers in Minneapolis about the publishing process and how to have authenticity in writing. It was so fun to represent this community out in the wild! 

Ministry Team Reports: 

Community Life 

Game night May 20th 

Bingo in the fall 

Property Team 


Congregational Care 


Sunday Morning Experience 



  • • Two POP members were recognized in the CEAP April Newsletter for their dedicated service. Amy Kust provided 200+ volunteer hours in 2021 and Richard Habstritt provided 100+ volunteer hours in 2021. A big thanks to you both for all you do for CEAP!!!! 

Upcoming Projects 

  • • Spring Jeans and Junk Event – scheduled the Spring Jeans and Junk for Sunday, May 22 after the service. 

Park Brook 

  • • 5th Grade Graduation Breakfast and Commemoration – Wednesday, June 8th 

Afternoon Commemoration Ceremony 

Completed Projects 

  • • CEAP 50th Anniversary 

Thanks to Amy and Jeanne for purchasing, packing, and delivering youth birthday bags to CEAP. 

  • • Second Harvest Heartland 

Volunteer event held Wednesday, April 20; 10 POP volunteers participated 

Brooklyn Avenues- 

We contributed to a youth’s birthday celebration in April and another one will be celebrated this coming Saturday. We provide a birthday card with a Target gift card and a birthday cake or cupcakes for their special day. 

Caritas Concert was held today, Sunday May 15 th in our sanctuary. Most of the proceeds benefit a chosen non-profit organization. Avenues for Youth was chosen to benefit this concert. Our Katie Hines is a member of this wonderful musical organization. She and Jodi Spoden did the majority of the planning and organization. Melissa Cuff, Director of Development at Avenues spoke during our church service on Sunday morning and was there after the service to register people for the concert and take donations. 

Special thanks to Pastor Chad and Pastor Natalia for promoting the concert with information during services, Katie Hines, Jodi Spoden, Joel Oden, Jeff and Jeanne Hanson and members of our generous congregation for contributing to the great success of this worthy event with their attendance and donations to Avenues for Youth. 

Partners with Park Brook Elementary School- 

We have had two opportunities to volunteer recently at Park Brook. 

They are a magnet school for physical fitness, so with that as their ongoing focus, they had an all school mile run for grades 1-5. (Kindergarteners ran at a different time.) Volunteers were assigned as spotters throughout the course. They are very 

fortunate to be across the road from Hartkopf Park. So their entire course is within that wonderful park area. It was a beautiful day to be part of a great school wide tradition. 

Our next opportunity to volunteer was in conjunction with their Girls on the Run program. 

They have staff coaches who devote several weeks to build relationships and stamina with about 15 girls in this after school activity. 

Nearing the year’s end, they needed volunteers to secure posts on that same mile course, but this time they run a 5K. So… of course it was that 90 plus degree day. But, there was a breeze and the girls and coaches are trained to encourage, cheer on and partner up with each other. They ran, they skipped, they walked, they screamed and cheered and every one of those amazing girls finished and were very proud of their own accomplishments, but even more proud of each other. We are so blessed to be partners with the students and staff at Park Brook 

Staff Reports 

Children and Family Ministry 

The Plant Sale is complete for the 2022 Year! We had another great sale, with many volunteers which made our Delivery weekend very smooth. Participants always get compliments about these plants so it is nice to have found a greenhouse (MANY years ago) that has such high quality product and they are so easy to work with 

Our Sunday School year will wrap up on Sunday the 22nd. We will be doing in-person sporadically throughout the Summer based on numbers 

– Already thinking ahead to what Fall might look like for Sunday mornings 

Gearing up for Summer Day Camp. Working on staffing, finalizing the weekly outlines, looking for potential field trips 

Working on our Christmas in July celebration. It is bringing me GREAT joy to be working on a Christmas program (even if it seems REALLY weird to be listening to Christmas music in May). Instead of collecting Toys for CEAP we will collect School Supplies for CEAP and ParkBrook through the entire month of July. 

Youth and Young Adult Ministry 


Media & Tech 


Unfinished Business 


New Business 

Church Expenses: Staff, Council as well as LAL representative present at the meeting agree to use funds as needed to cover expenses-with intention once we are more solid, we will replenish the fund as we are able. 

There was also discussion about the current prayer chain list and who is allowed to be on that list. There are specific and clearly defined terms of confidentiality in place and if members are unable to maintain confidentiality-they are removed from the list in order to respect those who request prayers. 

Next Meeting June 21, 2022 

Announcements and Action Items: Welcome to Pastor Jenny, we are excited to work with you this summer. 

Adjournment: Mike made a motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:58pm