Prince of Peace YOUTH Depart Saturday, July 9th!
July 9th is fast approaching and the Revolution YOUTH are revved up for their mission to serve the homeless in the upper midwest! Please keep them in prayer over the next week as they deepen…
Congregational VOTE to Extend Senior Pastor Call – July 17
The Call Team and the Church Council are asking all members to attend a congregational meeting Sunday, July 17 at 11:30 am in the Worship Center. The purpose of the meeting is to vote to call…
Scholarships and Male Chaparone Needed for Youth Mission 2011
Natalia and the high school youth are in the final stages of preparation for the summer youth mission trip. The final planning meeting is at 6 pm on July 7th. We have a couple of…
Prince of Peace Youth in Mission This Week!
This week you’ll find our 6th-8th Graders serving others throughout Brooklyn Park! They’ll be serving at CEAP, Feed My Starving Children, TreeHouse Youth, Access-ability and 363 Days! Time spent in service to others makes a…
Backyard Bible Study starts Monday, June 13th
Hey all you Revolution guys! We’re meeting at Aaron Johnson’s house for our first backyard Bible study of the summer! We’re starting at 6 pm. There will be plenty of food! Check facebook for directions….
Graduation Sunday set for June 5th
Our tradition of recognizing and honoring our graduation seniors continues as they embark on a new chapter in their lives. We will have a reception in the Welcome Center between services for our high school…