Scholarships and Male Chaparone Needed for Youth Mission 2011
Natalia and the high school youth are in the final stages of preparation for the summer youth mission trip. The final planning meeting is at 6 pm on July 7th. We have a couple of…
Volunteer Recognition set for Sunday, May 22
Our church runs on volunteers and we have many who serve in a wide variety of ways! On Sunday, May 22, the Annual Giving Team is hosting a Volunteer Recognition Reception for those who serve…
Lost & Found Table on May 22
Have you lost something? We may have it! Please check in the Welcome Center on Sunday, May 22. We have a number of items that have not been claimed and in June, we will be…
Mission Trip to Jamaica – Presentation Sunday, May 22
Please join us in the CLC at 10:30 am for highlights of our recent trip to Jamaica and the Westhaven Children’s Home. It was an experience and we are grateful for your support and prayers….
POP Kids’ Choir Sings on May 8th
Let’s welcome the children as they delight us with songs on Mother’s Day. They will be singins “Sing to the Lord” by Michael Jothen. A special thank you to Katie Hines for her direction and…
Easter Sunday – The Most Blessed Day of the Year!
Join together to worship the Risen Savior on Sunday, April 24th! We have three worship services in the morning: 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 10:30 am. Jack Zimmer and others are preparing fresh baked cinnamon…
Maundy Thursday – Worship at 7 pm
We remember the Seder meal of Jesus and his disciples in the upper room, the gift of the body and the blood given and shed by Jesus himself. Join us for Maundy Thursday worship and…
Why Jesus?
If you’ve ever asked that question, this is a study for you. For four weeks beginning May 1 adults can explore this topic through a study by David Nasser, completed in a “man on the…
Oak Grove Concert Choir performs here Sunday, March 27 @ 7 pm
Prince of Peace is one of many stops on the schedule for the Oak Grove Concert Choir from Fargo, North Dakota. The Oak Grove Concert Choir is well known for their ability to deliver inspiring…
Food Drive, Plant Sale, Blood Drive, and Jesus amazes the woman at the well…
This Sunday, March 27, is packed full of ways to reach out to others and to grow deep in our Christian faith. Our gospel text comes from John 4:5-42 – the story of Jesus offering…