2012 Vision Trip To Tanzania
WHY AFRICA? 2012 Vision Trip To Tanzania June 20 – July 5, 2012 Read their Blog! 38Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” John…
Time to Make Sandwiches for 363 Days! August 23rd
Join us at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, August 23rd as we form the assembly lines to make 1000 sandwiches for the hungry in Minneapolis. As you may remember, we provide these sandwiches to 363 Days…
School Supply Donations Needed for CEAP
The back-to-school sales have begun, and our friends at CEAP are collecting supplies for families. Here’s a list of items needed. Please bring what you can and put it in the CEAP Bin by Monday,…
Volunteers Needed for Regional Special Olympics Softball
The game is set for Saturday, July 30, 2011, at Maple Grove Junior High, 7000 Hemlock Lane, Maple Grove. Our Men’s Activity Group is putting together a team of volunteers from Prince of Peace to…
Meals On Wheels Drivers Needed
We have the routes covered for summer and are beginning to work toward our fall plan to make sure our neighbors and friends receive Meals on Wheels! Two drivers are needed for a monthly route…
Fill the “Tree House” for TreeHouse
We heard firsthand a few Sundays ago about the benefits of the Tree House Youth program in Brooklyn Park. Youth in our community wrestle with a host of situations and Tree House provides a safe…