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Prince of Peace E-Newsletter: August 2024 |
Welcome to the Prince of Peace Monthly Newsletter. This newsletter is designed to keep you up to date on all that is going on here at Prince of Peace. If you ever have something you would like included in our next E-News, please contact Karina Higareda |
AUGUST CALENDAR Wednesday, August 7th CEAP Farm Fresh (Volunteers Needed) Saturday, August 24th Cafeteria Christian at 2pm (Pocket Square Cocktail Lounge) Sunday, August 25th “Town Hall Meeting” @ 10:45amhosted by Council, in the sanctuary after the service. |
![]() SAVE THE DATE: Fall Kick Off Sunday is September 8th, 10:30am – noon.Invite friends and family to join in on all the fun to be had on this very special day…Mark your calendars now, invite your friendsA Blast will be sent out in Mid-August with more information (including a link to sign-up to help.) |
![]() We hear you, we see you, we represent you… As I’m sure you have heard the news by now that Chad is retiring in November, we want to let you know that we already have a strong and active team working on transition plans.What we ask of you:-Stick with us, be patient with the process-Prayer for the council and POP as we move through this discernment time to build the best ministry profile for POP-Come to us. We are sure you will have questions, or ideas you want us to know about your vision of POP. We ask that you have the conversations with us directly. Find us on Sunday mornings. Send an email, call, come to the meeting on August 25. There will be a lot of moving pieces to this transition. We want to keep the information that is out their accurate and up to date, and the best way to do that is come directly to the source. We welcome conversations and want to hear what your vision of POP is. Please reach out to Mike Isenberg, president; or have a conversation with any one of the council members. -Mike Isenberg, President misenberg13@gmail.com, 612-568-2337 (call or text)-Nate Boucher, Vice President-Patti VanLiew, Secretary-Rachel Henderson, Treasurer-Ann Maczuga, At-Large member-Pam Eliason, At-Large member-Cathy Krogstad, At-Large member July Finance report. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Henderson |
![]() Faith on the Rocks: Summer Socials at Pocket Square Join us this summer for a refreshing take on faith discussions through this collaborative series between Prince of Peace + Cafeteria Christian!”Faith on the Rocks” is a series of events at Pocket Square Cocktail Lounge, featuring insightful guests and plenty of time to connect.Each event runs from 2pm to 4pm, 2-3pm discussion led by a special guest, and 3-4pm is social hour.Come and mingle, make connections, and enjoy some refreshments!August 24th: Faith and Finances with Rev Scott Searl |
![]() CEAP’s Farm Fresh For August Needs You: CEAP is looking for a few more volunteers to help pack/distribute produce. The next available date is:Wednesday, August 7th from 2:30pm-5:30pm.Sign up sheet & more information is on the kiosk in theWelcome Center. |
![]() Meals on Wheels Needs At Least One Volunteer: This program is amazing & serves 350 seniors in 9 cities.They are in dire need of at least one new volunteer by August. CEAP is looking for someone to help drive meals to folks in need in the area from 10:30am to about noon. CEAP provides the meals & the delivery map and you can even deduct the miles on your taxes.For more information please reach out to Jeanne Hanson, our POP/CEAP coordinator, at 952.220.6143 or EMAIL |
![]() School Supply Drive Underway: CEAPs Back-to-School Drive has been running through the month of July and has a deadline of August 4th. Most items needed include: backpacks, pencils, folders, glue sticks, markers, colored pencils and index cards etc.Let’s help disadvantage students in our community have a successful academic year with our loving heart and giving spirit…SUGGESTED ITEMS CAN BE FOUND HERE. ![]() Hearts and Hands For Jamaica 2025 Mission Trip We are excited that we are starting to make our plans for our mission trip to Jamaica 2025! The costs will be similar to last years cost depending on airfare – 1 week $2,000 or 2 weeks $3,200 (single occupancy). A deposit of $1,000 will be due by August 15th for airfare. Our dates are not finalized but will be approximately:* One week: Tues, February 25th to Mar. 4th, 2025* Two weeks: Tues, February 25th to Mar. 11th, 2024 We will be spending time with our partners at West Haven Children’s Home for the differently abled, Faith Chapel & the infant school in Lethe. I will be meeting with our partners when I go to Jamaica for the sewing clinic in September. I will have more information regarding projects when I return. If you would like to join us or need more info about our mission, please contact Terri Revell. |
![]() Children, Youth and Family Ministry Highlights. We have entered the last month of Summer Ministry, but we still have a lot of fun, learning, service and fellowship left! Summer Day Camp runs all the way through Friday, August 23rd. We have been having a blast this Summer learning how we can reflect God in our daily lives, and how we are called to “Just Live It”Middle School Ministry has had a lot of fun on service and fellowship Wednesdays, and we still have two Fellowship Events (Mall of America and Valleyfair) and one more day of Service Left.High School Ministry has been on hold for the Summer as many of our participants are in sports, have jobs, and are simply busy being active youth! We look forward to kicking things back up in the FallOur WAPO Week/Weekend were at the end of July/Early August. As always, camp was faith changing for those who particpated.Fall Programming will be here before you know it – and it will be great! More information (including registration links) will be available in mid-August. For the full AUGUST Newsletter for CYF, you can click HERE If you have any questions about Children, Youth and Family MInistry at Prince of Peace, please contact Katie Rykal, (Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry) ![]() Women’s Bible Study Women’s Bible Study is taking a summer break until fall. They will resume meeting on the first Wednesday of the month (at 2pm) starting back up: September 4th, 2024.If you have questions or are interested in joining the group contact Alys Nelson at (612) 599-5457. Prince of Peace Book Club Meets monthly in members homes. For more information on the book being discussed, and meeting place, please call Dianne Malewicki at (763) 242-3821. |
![]() Scam Alert Reminder: Prince of Peace pastors and staff will never text you or email you asking for gift cards, or individual monetary gifts. When in doubt, check with our team to make sure you aren’t the target of a scam. |
![]() THERES ALWAYS A PLACE FOR YOU HERE We need you in order to help others! Here at POP we have a variety of ways where folks can “lend a hand”. See a list of volunteer opportunities, or please consider joining one of many volunteer teams below. For a couple hours on Sunday mornings: Usher and/or GreetServe CommunionRead ScriptureLibrary TeamServe coffee/cookiesMoney CountersJoin a Music Team (Choir/Bells/Band) Other Opportunities: Funeral TeamQuilter TeamGarden Team (Seasonal)Outreach Team No experience necessary, we will teach you everything you need to know! Contact the office or click HERE to email the POP staff. |