Annual Congregational Meeting
January 27, 2018
Call to Order: There being a quorum present, the 2018 Annual Meeting of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church of Brooklyn Park was called to order at 11:48am by President Allan Grant.
Opening Song: Nate Bergengren led the congregation in the opening song, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.
Opening Prayer: The Annual Congregational Meeting opening prayer was led by Pastor Chad Brekke.
Adoption of Agenda: A motion to accept the agenda as written was made by Bill Fredrick and seconded by Sue LaGue. Motion approved.
Approval of Congregational Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the Annual Congregational Meeting minutes from January 22, 2017 was made by Candy Kvamme and seconded by Rachel Henderson. Motion approved.
Approval of Congregational Budget Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the Congregational Budget Meeting minutes from December 3, 2017 was made by Linda Forkey and seconded by Sue LaGue. Motion approved.
Ballot: President Allan Grant presented the list of nominees for Council, Leave a Legacy trustee, Nominating Committee and Synod Assembly delegates by the Nominating Committee. He called for further nominations from the floor for each position listed on the ballot. There were no additional nominations. Allan Grant called for the vote. A motion to issue a “White Ballot” where all nominees are elected without completing a paper ballot was made by Sue LaGue and seconded Lori Clausen. Motion approved.
Review of Annual Reports: Complete written reports were included in the published Annual Report.
President: Allan Grant mentioned that the council restructured the meeting schedule with the full council meeting every other month, unless it was deemed necessary to meet on the off month. We will continue to look at the schedule this year and discuss what makes the most sense and ensures we are best serving the members of our church family.
Senior Pastor: Pastor Chad continues to be pleased and inspired by the ministry we have shared together. We are a church that is well led by staff and lay leadership. He is well aware of what churches are faced with at this time; Prince of Peace is in a good position to face these things as we move forward. Churches need to ask themselves: Is the church able and capable to try new ideas? Is the church open and engaging? Is the church willing to fail? Do first time visitors leave and feel, “that was worth the effort”? Is the feedback that our congregation getting positive? Prince of Peace really scores high in all those categories. We will be focusing in the coming year on a book that addresses this new reality. One of the core realities of this new day is that there is no sense of guilt for not attending worship any longer. This is a different time; a different mission field. It is important to recognize the trends and have some answer for them.
Associate in Ministry: Pastor Natalia continues to be responsible for GroupLife. She is going to challenge herself to create some groups of people that do not regularly attend worship at Prince of Peace.
Director of Children and Family Ministry: Katie mentioned that one of the things that continue to inspire her is that the congregation is open, specifically to families with young children. One of her goals is to continue to foster the relationships she has with our new families. She wants Prince of Peace to be a place where people enter and think: this is a church that loves and welcomes young people.
Director of Youth and Family Ministry: Brent discussed how he has been focusing on the idea of being Christ’s presence out in the world. He encourages the youth to be a leader amongst their peers as well as caring for their friends, family and communities. He would like the youth to embody the idea that that church isn’t just something we do on Wednesday and Sunday; church is something you are.
Modern Worship Arts & Media: Nate stated that he remains empowered and encouraged that we sing together and we feel that sense of community. We move closer to one another in goal and mission. Music helps those things happen. He mentioned that Prince of Peace received a sizable donation to purchase sound equipment as well as additional media equipment for the band and choir. Nate is starting seminary and welcomes prayers as he starts this new journey.
New Business:
Questions from the congregation:
Linda Forkey
Q: Will the monetary donation go toward upgrading the screens?
A: Not at this time. We are doing the best we can with what we have.
Lois Froebel
Q: What did the trees mean during the advent season? How were they paid for? Why was that the only decorating that was done in the sanctuary?
A: The Christmas Tree Grove is paid for through donations the congregation make in memory of their loved ones. Natalia addressed the question about decorating and mentioned that no one has offered his or her time to do as such, but anyone is certainly welcome to decorate!
Q: Do the bells have to be out all the time?
A: The bells being stationed at the front of the sanctuary is not an ideal situation, but there are a lot of logistics involved in moving them. Pastor Chad agreed that it is an issue and it is something that is being addressed.
Q: In Tanzania Pastor Chad wears a collar. Why does he not wear one at Prince of Peace?
A: Pastor Chad discussed that he did wear a collar the whole time he was in Pennsylvania. Minnesota Lutherans are more relaxed liturgically. In Tanzania wearing a collar is a way to identify who and what he is. The real question is: What does wearing a collar do for the outreach of the church?
Heidi Grell
Q: What is going on with the daycare?
A: Angel daycare left in December and moved to their own facility. We are in discussions with a new daycare looking to use our facility. At this time they are working through some funding issues with a grant. Pastor Chad is hopeful that will be resolved soon and we can move forward with this.
Recognition of Retiring Council Members: Allan Grant recognized the retiring Council members, Mike Isenberg, Dale Emter and Richard Habstritt and thanked them for their service.
Introduction of New Council: Allan Grant introduced the newly elected Council members.
2018 Congregational Council
President: Allan Grant* Sunday Morning Experience: Joel Odens
Vice President: Lynn Anderson* Spiritual Growth: Scott Reitz*
Treasurer: Julia Sevald Congregational Care: Linda Forkey*
Secretary: Melissa Johnson* Outreach: Jodi Spoden
Property Team: Jeff Hanson
Youth & Family: Cole Antilla* — Rachel Follestad*
* Council members returning for their 2nd year of the term in 2018
Leave a Legacy: Denise Dube
Nominating Committee: Sue LaGue, Rachel Henderson, Richard Habstritt, Cathy Krogstad, Matt Wild, Bill Fredrick
Minneapolis Area Synod Assembly Delegates: Allison Isenberg, Mike Isenberg, Lynn Anderson and Larry Anderson
Leave a Legacy members continuing their term in 2018:
Craig Krogstad and Mike Kust
Motion to Adjourn: A motion to adjourn the 2018 Annual Meeting was made Julia Sevald and seconded by Lynn Anderson. Motion approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Johnson